Posted on March 30, 2023

Bevy’s Gift

I recently became aware of a game programming framework for Rust called Bevy that uses a programming model called ECS (Entity Component System). Bevy ECS allegedly uses Rust’s type system in a sophisticated way to automatically parallelize execution of game logic while avoiding race conditions. The idea of ECS has apparently been around for a while (at least as far back as 2007 according to Wikipedia), but it’s new to me.

Curious to see if Bevy is really as cool as it sounds, and having recently read Newton’s Gift, I decided to try using Bevy to implement an n-body simulation (i.e., simulating the gravitational dynamics of a small galaxy of spherical bodies) with elastic collisions (the bodies can bounce off one another). This article steps through the implementation and shows how with a little bit of ingenuity we can get a significant speedup by exploiting Bevy’s automatic parallelization feature. The code can be found here.

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a contributor to Bevy nor am I associated with the project in any way. I give no guarantee that the following code is idiomatic or even sensible. Everything in this article could be wrong. I just wanted to share my experience because I was really struck by how well it turned out. Also it uses Bevy 0.6 which is slightly outdated – the current release version is 0.10.1 as of March 31, 2023.


First, we need to know the basic concepts of ECS. The Bevy tutorial says the following:

ECS is a software pattern that involves breaking your program up into Entities, Components, and Systems. Entities are unique "things" that are assigned groups of Components, which are then processed using Systems.

In other words:

  • Entity - Every game object is an entity with a unique numeric identifier. An entity may be nothing more than an identifier, but it may also have some associated components.

  • Component - A component is a data field that can be associated with an entity, e.g., position (a component of type Vec3 if working in 3D space), velocity (also of type Vec3), hit points (integer), mass (float), etc.

  • System - A system is a chunk of code that runs once per update cycle (i.e., every “frame”) with reference to a specific collection of entities. The entities visible to a system are selected by a query, where the semantics of the query (the subset of the world’s entities it selects) is determined by the query’s type. This is where things get really interesting, because Bevy can schedule systems to run in parallel when it can guarantee the absence of race conditions from looking at the types of their queries.

N-body Simulation with Bevy ECS

Before worrying about parallelization, let’s set up the basic n-body simulation.


We start by defining all the components we need:

struct Velocity(Vec3);

struct Radius(f32);

struct Mass(f32);

Each of our body objects will have a Velocity component, a Radius component, and a Mass component. Velocity is a vector with three f32 elements, and radius and mass are both f32 scalar values.


The simulation works by executing the following steps on every frame:

  1. move each body based on its current velocity,

  2. calculate gravitational forces between every pair of bodies and apply the corresponding acceleration (change of velocity), and

  3. check for collisions between every pair of bodies and handle them when they occur by adjusting the positions and velocities of the affected bodies.

Obviously, the running time of steps 2) and 3) scales quadratically in the number of bodies, so we will be limited in the number of bodies the simulation can support (no more than a couple thousand). There are ways to improve on this, but we’ll keep things simple.

We implement a system for each step of the simulation in turn, starting with step 1:

fn move_system(time: Res<Time>,
	       mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Velocity)>) {
    for (mut transform, &Velocity(v)) in query.iter_mut() {
	transform.translation += v * time.delta_seconds()

The thing to notice is the type of query: Query<(&mut Transform, &Velocity)>. It says to select all entities that have both a Transform and a Velocity component, taking a mutable (writeable) reference to the transform and an immutable (readonly) reference to the velocity. The system’s code simply iterates over all of the entities returned by the query and updates their positions based on their current velocity (scaled by the time elapsed since the previous frame so that on-screen velocity will be independent of framerate).

Next up is the system for applying gravitational forces:

const G: f32 = 1.0;
fn gravity_system(time: Res<Time>,
		  mut query: Query<(&Transform, &mut Velocity, &Mass)>) {
    let mut combinations = query.iter_combinations_mut();
    while let Some([(a_transform, mut a_velocity, &Mass(a_mass)),
    		    (b_transform, mut b_velocity, &Mass(b_mass))]) =
    	combinations.fetch_next() {
    	    let v = a_transform.translation - b_transform.translation;
    	    let dir = v.normalize() * G / f32::powf(v.length(), 2.0) * time.delta_seconds();
	    a_velocity.0 -= b_mass * dir;
    	    b_velocity.0 += a_mass * dir

The gravitational constant G is a parameter that controls the strength of gravity. The query for gravity_system is similar to that of move_system except we also include the Mass component since the effect of gravity depends on the masses of the bodies involved. We also take a mutable reference to the velocity component since we are modifying the velocities of bodies, and we take an immutable reference to the transform component since we are not changing the positions of bodies. The code iterates over all pairs of bodies and adjusts their velocities via an inverse square law of attraction based on the distance between the two bodies and their masses.

Next is the collision system:

fn collision_system(mut query: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Velocity, &Radius, &Mass)>) {
    let mut combinations = query.iter_combinations_mut();
    while let Some([(mut a_transform, mut a_velocity, Radius(a_radius), Mass(a_mass)),
		    (mut b_transform, mut b_velocity, Radius(b_radius), Mass(b_mass))]) =
    	combinations.fetch_next() {
	    let v = a_transform.translation - b_transform.translation;
    	    let d = (a_radius + b_radius) - v.length();
    	    if d > 0.0 {
		// Collision detected - compute new positions and velocities

We omit the code for actually handling collisions when they occur because it detracts from the main point: the query. The key thing to notice about the query is that it takes a reference to the velocity component. The gravity system, if you recall, takes a mutable reference to the velocity component. This means, unfortunately, that it would be unsafe to execute the gravity and collision systems in parallel because there is a potential race condition when the gravity system writes to the velocity component at the same time that the collision system reads from it. In fact, collision_system’s reference to velocity is also mutable, so the two systems could even try to write to it at the same time. Bevy’s system scheduler is forced to schedule them in sequence because it can’t guarantee the absence of race conditions.

Running the Simulation

Lastly, we initialize the Bevy engine (including registering our systems with the scheduler) and kick off the simulation:

fn main() {
        .insert_resource(Msaa { samples: 4 })

We’ve left out some of the setup functions, e.g., setup_camera and setup_bodies because they aren’t important for the demonstration. Just know that in setup_bodies we create two large “planet” entities with fixed initial positions and velocities and many smaller bodies (2000 of them) with fixed initial positions but random sizes and initial velocities. When registering our systems, we tell the scheduler to ensure that the collision and gravity systems run after the move system, but otherwise it is free to order them however it likes.

Watch the result here.

Pretty cool, huh? Yes, they are spontaneously forming rings. That was not planned. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem to happen on every run of the simulation, so it must be sensitive to initial conditions (remember that the small bodies are given random sizes and initial velocities). Anyway, the framerate is rather pitiful at around 21 or 22 frames per second on my machine. We can improve on this by reengineering our systems a bit so that Bevy’s scheduler can get away with running the collision and gravity systems in parallel.

Exploiting Automatic Parallelism

How can we possibly convince the Bevy scheduler that it’s okay to run the collision and gravity systems at the same time, when they both require references (both mutable references at that) to the velocity component? Our solution is based on a simple observation: most bodies, most of the time, are not colliding with one another (i.e, on each frame most bodies are not colliding at all, and when they are, it is with only one or two other bodies). This means that the mutable reference to the velocity component is rarely used by collision_system relative to the total number of collision checks that are performed. The number of checks is a constant on the order of every frame, whereas the number of actual collisions is on average much smaller than that.

We can remove the reference to the velocity component from collision_system altogether and have it build a queue of collisions to be handled at a later stage, thereby allowing the bulk of the work (collision checking) to be performed in parallel with the gravity system. We start by defining a struct for collision records to be pushed to the queue:

struct Collision(Entity, Entity);

Then we remove &mut Velocity from the collision system’s query type (and add Entity to include entity IDs and remove Mass because it’s no longer needed) and include a new EventWriter<Collision> argument:

fn collision_system(query: Query<(Entity, &Transform, &Radius)>,
		    mut collisions: EventWriter<Collision>) {
    for [(a_id, a_transform, &Radius(a_radius)),
	 (b_id, b_transform, &Radius(b_radius))] in query.iter_combinations() {
	let v = a_transform.translation - b_transform.translation;
    	let d = a_radius + b_radius - v.length();
    	if d > 0.0 {
    	    collisions.send(Collision(a_id, b_id))

Now when a collision is detected we simply send a Collision event through the EventWriter recording the pair of colliding objects. We then write a new system for handling detected collisions:

fn collision_handler_system(mut bodies: Query<(&mut Transform, &mut Velocity, &Radius, &Mass)>,
			    mut collisions: EventReader<Collision>) {
    for &Collision(a_id, b_id) in collisions.iter() {
	let (a_transform, a_velocity, &Radius(a_radius), &Mass(a_mass)) =
	let (b_transform, b_velocity, &Radius(b_radius), &Mass(b_mass)) =
	let v = a_transform.translation - b_transform.translation;
    	let d = a_radius + b_radius - v.length();
	// Handle collision

We could slightly optimize by including the values of d and v in the Collision struct since they are already computed in collision_system but it makes little difference because, as we’ve already noted, collisions are relatively rare events.

Lastly, we update the initialization code to register the Collision event and new collision handler system (specified to run after collision_system):

fn main() {
        .insert_resource(Msaa { samples: 4 })

Running the simulation again, we see that it works the same as before (although no lucky rings this time), but now at around 34 frames per second (a 1.6x speedup!). As a sanity check, we can change collision_system’s reference to the transform component to be mutable, and we’re right back to where we started at 22 frames per second because Bevy can longer run it in parallel with gravity_system without risking a race condition on the transform component.